I'm wandering around a little lost at the moment. I don't like it. I like to have purpose and direction.
I guess I haven't had direction for a while, but other things have been distracting me from that fact. I also seem to have an almost crippling fear of decision making at the moment. Always fearing I will make the wrong one.
Have I always been like this? I don't think so. Or maybe I was just content to be me all those years and now I feel like I should be MORE.
Too many options, too many paths...
I decided last week to go down one path (study wise) and decided this week to go down another study path. My mind is always racing, my head is always spinning.
End result - NIL.
Fuck this for a joke, I need a Personal Thinking Assistant...
Relax breathe n chill. It will all happen in good time.
Ugh. I hate it when my decision-making brain part has a breakdown.
Give it a bit of time, sometimes the right answer is staring you in the face and you just can't see it.
If you find that personal thinking assistant, please let me know. I need one for myself.
My mind is always running at a hundred k's an hour.
I can't for the life of me concentrate on just the one thing. If I could, I'd be a lot less stressed.
I'm always like that - so frustrating, I hate being indecisive!
Hope you find your answer soon :)
Join the club! Too many things to do and choose from...not enough time. Heck...I gotta stay fit just so I can fit in what I'd like to get done in the next five years! Study...hmmm...bugger...have to put that off for another year! Decisions....decisions...what to do. :)
If Steve were still here I bet he'd make an app for that!
I know most people could use it...
Dave - *breathing*...
Kek - sometimes other people will just look at me and point out the fucking obvious to me...thank god for friends!
Steve - haha yeah and if that doesn't work I'm gonna buy a Magic 8 Ball.
Ute - oh I know. My concentration is totally fucked at the moment. It gets really tiring :(
Hilary - thanks. I just wish I couldn't see both sides of EVERYTHING. aghhhh
Kerry - and I've put off SO much because I feel like I'm overloaded...but its just my brain that's overloaded! I'm not actually doing that much at all.
Fusion - oh RIP Steve. Yep... trust me I've spent a LOT of money trying to find that perfect app to get me organised but one that thinks for me would be awesome!
Miss you Fifi. Reading your posts is kinda like looking into a mirror. Dunno if that is scary, comforting or a blend of the two. Too hard to analyse it.
Missed you too Kate. Don't analyse, it hurts you brain. Glad to see you (((hugs)))
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