Thursday, November 3, 2011

Photos from my iPhone

Nothing much to write home about so here's some random iphone snaps I've taken over the last couple of months.  Most are using either Hipstamatic or Instagram (I'm still sussing them out).  Byeeee...


KJ said...

Love the Chanel one.

iPhone seems to have really come a long way in regards to camera capabilities.

Hope you're doing Ok.

Em said...

Ahhh nice. I got myself an old Polaroid i miss the 80s pity. Hope u doing ok too x

Fifi said...

Thanks lovelies. Yeah I'm ok. Just still feeling blah. Trying to change things in my life but it's difficult! xxx

Shar said...

LOve the G pig one :)

Fifi said...

Me too Shar! That's Fudge and Cocoa, relaxing