Friday, August 7, 2009

French Cuisine

Guess who's discovered the French Rugby Calendar? yeah. That would be me.


Erika said...

MMMMmmmm yeah that would be you... But thanks for sharing as I'm stuck at home this week end with no hanky panky happening coz my back is still stuffed!!!!

Vix said...


**does bum dance**

Vic x

PS - I just noticed Esme's new pic. What a fricken cracker!!!

PPS - no exciting word verification today :(

Rachael P said...

Hhmm YUM YUM. Those strong looking muscles are just delightful on an early Saturday morning.

Doris's BEHAG journey said...

to quote the seagulls in Nemo.............Mine, mine,mine,mine,mine, mine! Okay Frankie, devulge the link! gimme gimme gimme! Certianly better than my coffee this morning

Sandra said...

I'm sitting here making little dreamy/happy noises...hubby thinks it's because of my oats and cottage cheese ...(hmmm)LOL
Nice look, Esme, did you get a perm, too?

Kerry W said...

Thanks again for the eye candy...rather sweet today I must say...hmmm...nice glutes ( :-)

Off to Crossfit games today. Hopefully we'll see some real life manflesh...he...he... ;)

Erika said...

Yes well, I thought it was a great likeness of me actually. I has ugly glasses like that when I was a little tacker!

Lady G said...

Phoar look at those glutes! It must just be my glutes that make my bum so round :)

Tearose said...

lol, yeah wow at those glutes.

Frankie said...

Hey Ladies. Those glutes DO defy the laws of physics don't they?

Frankie said...

Oh and Dori just search google images "french rugby calendar" . There's plenty to see. While you're at it you might try italian rugby calendar...I expect that might be worth it too1

2010 said...

miam miam

Lisa Jane said...

Oh look, its my dessert. I'm blogging againg gorgeous girl at At least there I can get some peace and really say how I feel.
