What is it with men?
Wall o' Man gets back in contact with me last Saturday, asking if I'm still available.
I advise him that I am and ask if he still wants to catch up...
It's now Friday.....my kid free weekend.....and.....
Lucky I haven't leased the cave out yet.
LMFAO at the last sentence. Frankie, I wish that I had some of your spark for life. Is it infectious?
Hell knows.... they are complicated creatures.
ah Kate..to you "spark for life"..to me "rapid mental decline" LOL
Nicole I seriously used to think it was us women who were complicated but I've realised I was WRONG.
Nah, we're not complicated. How can we be? We talk our shit. Men don't EVA tell you whats going on in their heads. Its just one big guessing game.
Here here, Nicole!!!
Tell me about it!...lol... (a guessing game).
What an idiot, he'll be sorry to know he lost out!
you didn't ask for opinions or advice, but i certainly would not be accepting any invitations if they should arrive.
fuck that!
once a man knows you're happy to be treated like a booty-call babes, he will exploit it to fuck.
deny him. even if it stings. if he is worth a damn, he'll understand you are a class act and his act will improve accordingly. if he doesn't, he is a stupid cunt.
I'm always happy for advice Kitty. Not sure how to play this one though as HE actually straight up asked me out after the first time we chatted, and I stalled and made excuses. He kept hanging round and asking me out (in cyberspace LOL) for another month while I stuffed HIM around so I'm probably going to be a bit more forgiving with him than I would be with someone else. But, he has to actually ask me out again first....*taps foots*
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