I sent this via email to my ex today...
Pinch and a punch on the first of the month.
Happy 20th Anniversary of the day we met.
I don't like you much, but the kids are kinda nice.

Pinch and a punch on the first of the month.
Happy 20th Anniversary of the day we met.
I don't like you much, but the kids are kinda nice.

He replied that I was quite welcome, and that he thinks they are kinda nice too...
Have a great day back at school my brats xxx
Hats off to you, Frankie. What a gorgeous thing to do...and the kids ARE kinda nice.
Good on ya!
My ex still sends me a birthday text, some 12 years after we split, saying 'happy birthday old girl'
It's good karma, and i'm glad you and him are on the same page.
he he..yes they look nice Sandra but they're a handful LOL!
Yeah Ms Smack, we still get on pretty well (as long as his girlfriend doesn't interfere). Just got off a 15 min phone call with him about the recent trip he took with the kids to Coffs and complaining about how old we feel!
You're such a legend Frankie!
hahaha yes Liz, a legend in my own mind !
why not keep it civil and open much better for you and the kiddies.
Woo for back to skool tho!
Don't know how you manage sometimes!
Good on ya, me and my ex still hate each other.
Our kids are kinda nice too :-)
You're a way better person than me, gotta say! I ignore mine cause I just cop abuse.
Gosh i love your sense of humour!!! What a dick of an ex letting you go!
Your kids are friggen gorgeous, like their mum x
*L* Good on you! I often think about that sort of thing, anniversaries etc. etc. The ex and I are actually on reasonable terms and we exchange niceties and so on and I do think, believe.... that for the sake of the children, there should be that "adult" content. Still, your sense of humour is gorgeous and I do applaud you, as always Missy :) x
I love you, Frankie. You are just ace. Your kids are gorgeous.
Yeah we get on alright still. I get on really well with his family, even though they are in Coffs. his sister keeps saying "we want you back in our family..come over for Christmas!"
Love it Frankie! and yes the kids are more than kinda nice....gorgeous!
Got to go see 'Its Complicated' at the flicks..talk about ex's!
Cheers Trudx
tee hee. you're funny
I've been dating my girl for 5 years and we have just broke up because she told me she likes someone else but she say she still loves me... the next week she left the house and said she needs to find herself??? and i wanted her to be with me by living were i live, forget about her ex's, having a good job and being in a healthy relationship which leads to marriage and kids. but she has been planning to leave me since and when i knew about her plan i gave her space maybe she will come back?? but if she don't then i had to help me find a spell caster to help me bring her back so i did contacted dr.marnish@yahoo.com after 3 days of casting his spell my girlfriend returned back to crying to me that she will never make a step without me again, that she will always love me till death. i am still surprised how dr.marnish did the love spell
Tremeeka from France
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