Friday, September 16, 2011


My daughter is awesome, and growing up into such a beautiful young lady, both inside and out.

We don't get a lot of 'mummy/daughter' time these days.  She's usually occupied with friends either in person on online. But we do get some special time.

Lately, more often than not, that time has been in the car on the way to school.  It's a new thing.  She used to walk to school, now she's turned into one of those lazy teenagers I used to hear about - but I don't mind.
It's our time, every weekday, when I can spout - Mumisms.

Topics covered include -

makeup tips
clothing tips
updates on MY love life
healthy eating
the importance of a good education
when is she going to get a part time job...

Ok...I call it 'special time'..she calls it TRAPPED IN A CAR WITH MY FUCKING MOTHER.

I predict she will start walking to school again VERY soon...


Kek said...

You're a cack!

My youngest son has become a silent, grumpy lump in the mornings. We used to chat and joke on the drive to school, but now I get silence. Or "Leave me alone". He won't even look at the kangaroos any more...


I want my nice little boy back.

LẌ said...

Can you guys pick up NASA space satellite signals with those things? :p

Fifi said...

Awww Kek. Alex is a little like that, she perks up in the evenings when I drive her to dancing...then it's HER turn to crap on about school and boys etc. It's funny.

PS - My little boy advised me yesterday that his voice was breaking! oh noes!!!

lx - hahahahaha.... Not sure but I think I did pick up Radio Moscow the other day!

The Stark's said...

I read this, this morning and pissed myself laughing.

And tonight I've brave enough to say "you fucken crack me up, i love you"

The Stark's said...

I read this, this morning and pissed myself laughing.

And tonight I've brave enough to say "you fucken crack me up, i love you"

The Stark's said...

I don't know who the fuck i'm signed is as ;)

Fifi said...

haha love you too Shelley x