Friday, December 18, 2009


That dickhead social worker guy who I agonised over texting and who didn't even bother replying to my drink invitation just texted me (11pm) ....trying to score an ounce of mull. Hahahaha...idiot!
I advised him that I thought he may have the wrong number, he apologised profusely and said goodbye.
I think that's kinda fucking hilarious. (although I kinda wish he'd done it on purpose).
Get's me in the mood for...hmmmmm....let me think.....
Oh, now I remember....MANFLESH!


Miss Tank said...

you are fucking hilarious!!! Love it! xo

Kerry W said...

Hmmm...looks like he's trying to crack a walnut between his :P

Frankie said...

Fern I was kinda hoping he'd done it on purpose... but then realised he was totally off his face!

Well of course he's cracking walnuts Kerry - it's Christmas!! PS - I'd like to see how he'd go cracking open a Corona ;o)

Robyn said...

Manflesh... it's always good in theory... which is where I'm at at the moment. I can't even muster up a tiny bit of lust.

Vix said...

Ummm...nice tatt?

Lisa Jane said...

Noice. Very noice. I just snorted coke zero out of my nose reading that.

That is just to fucking funny.

Men are fucking dumb at the best of times.


Frankie said...

he he..well Robyn I do have lust but no bloody energy!

Yes Vicki it is. I've got photos on a few different angles of that one ;o)

Yes they are dumb fucks sometimes aren't they LJ?

nwtrunner said...

Sigh, am just another hunk of manflesh to you gals.... Dumb and stoopid, which pretty much sums things up right now.

Just back from a caribou survey north of the Arctic Circle and now off to drink scotches with my buddy next door.

I agree with you gals that many guys are totally dumb. I have to work with some of them too....

LizN said...

You are so funny Frankie, have a wonderful Christmas and New year

Flea said...

Oh dear, I think I need to get you a man.

Frankie said...

hey Alasdair..oh of course YOU're not dumb..he he..have a great Christmas!

I'm not funny Liz, my life is just full of idiots LMAO! You have a wonderful Christmas too Liz.

Umm..Flea..maybe. Have a great Christmas, will catch up in the New year!