Friday, December 10, 2010

The Tree

I wrote a few weeks ago about our new/old address and of the magnificent tree the kids played in.  Well here it is in all it's summer glory.

It's a liquid amber.  The owners prune it right back every winter so it's developed a really sturdy inner structure and is covered in lush new growth every year.  Just perfect for climbing.

But, the kids don't just climb it.  They bloody live up there!  I thought my daughter, at 14, may have outgrown it but she and her friends are up there nearly every afternoon...ipods and phones in tow.  They just hang around up there for...well, it's been 2 hours now!

I took some photos of them earlier but I can hear some more kids up there now.  As I write this, it's 6.30 on a beautiful summer evening and there are about 8 kids up there (I just ran out and counted).  You can't see ANY of them (but they are quite loud).

Here are some photos.  The bottom one was taken 8 years ago, when Ethan was around 3 and Alex was 6.

We LOVE the tree :o)

Flashback 2002...


Memphis Steve said...

I've never even heard of a liquid amber, but it looks like a fantastic tree. When I was a kid we climbed every tree in the neighborhood. It was so much fun!

Frankie said...

Steve - make sure you google it and take a look at the autumn foliage. It's magnificent!

Bambam said...

That is so cool. I didn't think kids appreciated the glory of such simple things anymore. I used to love climbing trees and catching cicadas.

Frankie said...

Hey baby - they do still enjoy the simple things, given the opportunity. Check out the look on Ethan's face in that bottom one. What a happy little feral!

Kerry W said...

How awesome is that! Sounds and looks like a great place to hang out. And as Bams said, I think it's great to see that kids are still kids at heart, even today. :)
I'm thinking of replacing Phil's playground as she's outgrown it, with a covered cubbyhouse. But I have alterior motives and plan it as an alternative place to escape. I never did have my own cubbyhouse when I was a kid, so this could be my chance. :P

Lad Litter said...

Those liquid amber trees are magnificent but usually grow straight and tall. Yours has almost been designed for climbing!

Frankie said...

Kerry - I always wanted a cubby and never had one either. we always had plans to make the kids one when we had our house but he was such a fucking procrastinator that we never got around to it. It's funny, when the tree has no leaves in winter, the kids take up tarps and make shelters up there. It might a well be a cubby house!

Lad - yeah I know, most ARE tall and straight. The owners are awesome and have been there for about 15 years. I think they always saw it as a climbing tree for their grandchildren, but they ended up with everyone elses kids before they even had grandchildren! They now have grandkids but they're not old enough to climb yet.

nwtrunner said...

Superb Frankie! So great for E & A to have this tree and for the neighbours to maintain it soooo beautifully! I wish I had a tree like that in my backyard. No trees that size in the Arctic...

Iris Flavia said...

Awesome!!!! Yay for freedom! How cool is that?!

Sam D-M said...

Cool TREE!!!!! I still climbed trees at 14...... its a good place to find boys ... hahahah

Frankie said...

Alasdair - yeah we got very lucky in the neighbour stakes. They also put all the ropes and swings etc there for the kids.

Iris - it's VERY cool, especially on a hot summer day!

Sam - yeah well there are a few boys, a little younger than Alex and her friends and they ended up there gawking at them. And then Ethan gets pissed of because his mates are paying attention to the girls and not him! haha