Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas - 10 years ago...

For Christmas 2000 I ordered 65 copies of this photo for our personalised cards from Kmart.

The woman asked me twice, and then someone called me at home, to make sure THIS was the one I wanted to send out to everyone.

Hell yeah!


hardenupprincess said...

Haha I LOVE IT!! I haven't seen the other pics but I KNOW I would have chosen the same one!!

emma said...

LOL aww that totally rocks. i love it! LOL

have you seen that site - god it's hilarious and full of similiarly awesome moments.

Kek said...

That's so REAL. Way better than posed studio shots where everyone looks like they're made of wax.

Cheryl said...

I love it!! hahaha

Bambam said...

Awesome pic! As Kek said, very real and cute! Little miss has such a devious look on her face!

Frankie said...

Vix - yeah there were a few others but this still cracks me up big time!

emma - hahaha yeah that sight is hilarious! I think there's an or something as well!

Kek - yeah was never much one for studio shots. Had the obligatory pixi photo shots done at 6 months and that's it.

Cheryl - my kids have been cracking me up since they were born!

Bams - uh yeah. You won't think they're cute with they are in YOUR house.

Frankie said...

WHEN. I means