Sunday, December 26, 2010



That's 2!!  Just 2 weeks 'til I wake up next to Bams :o)

I'm on holidays at the moment...and the best bit is that none of it comes out of my annual leave.  I work at a university and we don't get a lot of the Monday public holidays during the year, but the uni shuts down over Christmas and we all get the time off.  This year it closed lunch time on 22nd Dec and won't open again until 4th January - AWESOME!

Then, I go back to work for just three days before I am on actual leave again and off to Sydney with the kids!!  I can barely contain myself.  But, I've managed to get through seven weeks without him, two more's not gonna kill me (I hope!).


Christmas was the usual.  Not a massive fan but do like to catch up with my crazy rels and see the smiles on my thoroughly spoilt kids faces when they open their presents (yes I spent way too much as usual).  I was spoilt by the kids too and also received the most incredibly thoughtful, hand-made gift from my beautiful man.  Feeling very special at the moment.

Unfortunately it was the usual stinkin' hot Christmas here.  Nearly 40 C yesterday.  Estimated 38 today and 40 again tomorrow.  SUCKS, but we have a heavy duty aircon so I'm not leaving the house for the next 2 days.  Bugger the after Christmas sales, I'm camping out in my loungeroom!

I hope you and yours all had a wonderful day too x


Bambam said...

Sunny and more tolerable weather forecast for the next week (18-33 ish... nice!).

Glad you liked your pressie

Frankie said...

I'm checking the long term forecast on the 7th, THEN packing.... x

Frankie said...

psst Bams...while there's no-one else here do you wanna make out or somethin'?

lastchancetraining said...

ooh Frankie, I hope you have a wonderful visit to Sydney Town, sans Pineapples for Bams :)

Frankie said...

oops busted by Liz haha! Thanks. I'm sure it's going to be worth the wait :) haha yeah, pineapples are causing him a little trouble lately!

Kerry W said...

Glad you had a most awesome Christmas Frankie! And sounds like you have an even more awesome start to 2011 in Sydney! Woohoo! It's all just coming together for you. :)

Frankie said...

Thanks Kerry. I feel that way too :o)

xl said...

Stay cool and enjoy your holiday!

I was in Oz this time last year. Only had one 40ish day, otherwise the weather was very nice.

Frankie said...

Thanks xl - I'm hoping the Sydney weather is milder than Perth. It's been raining over there which suits me just fine!