Friday, May 8, 2009

Diary of a Stalker

Sunday 3rd May, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today I snuck up on the checkout guy at IGA. I didn't mean to. He said I must be a Ninja...... How did he know?

The end.


Monday 4th May, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today I used the White Pages and Google Street View to try and find out where BB Guy lives. I concluded that he must live with his parents - or is still married. Either way, that would kinda suck. No wonder he may or may not have a drinking problem.

The end.


Tuesday 5th May, 2009

Dear Diary,

Despite wanting BB Guy to bugger off and not bother me, my urge to stalk is strong. I drove past Blockbuster twice today to see if he was there...he was not. I concluded that he was obviously dating someone 11am and 3pm on a weekday.....

The end.


Wednesay 6th May, 2009

Dear Diary,

I got annoyed at BB Guy today cos he kept texting me. I ignored him as I was watching a TV show about serial killers and was trying to pick up some pointers on stalking. I think I need to set some BOUNDARIES. Stalkers need their privacy you know.

The end.


Thurday 7th May, 2009

Dear Diary,

Today BB Guy called me from work. He explained to me over the phone, how to make a casserole. I've never made a casserole.

The end.


Friday 8th May, 2009

Dear Diary,

I didn't hear from BB Guy today. I decided to "stalk in plain sight". I established his whereabouts by a quick Blockbuster drive-by. I marched into the front of the store and asked the girl if they had Battlestar Galactica. I knew they didn't. BB Guy made his presence known and advised that no..they did not (he knew I knew).

I wandered off to stare at DVD covers and he followed unsuspectingly. When I got to the science fiction aisle I stopped to confront him. I showed him my crappy red eye that I woke up with this morning and he asked me if I had hay fever. I said that I did not, and that I thought I was getting tonsilitis. He asked why tonsilitis would make me have a red eye. I said I didn't think it was related. Then I broke out into a cold sweat and couldn't speak properly. He'd had a haircut but hadn't shaved for a few days....just how I like it. I said I'd talk to him later and a complete LOSER.

This stalking stuff is kinda confusing...

The end.


Kerry W said... are seriously twisted!

Can't wait for the next instalment of 'The Frankie Diaries - My LIfe as a Stalker'. :)

Frankie said...

The scary thing Kerry is that most of it's true...I've NEVER cooked a casserole!!!

Kitty said...

i have never cooked a casserole either. we should start a fartbook group for dumb bitches like us who have never performed the most basic domestic activity, such as making a casserole.

why make one? who eats them? i don't.

as for bb guy. if he won't supply an address he is LYING and he is probably still married. that is my vote. i hope i'm wrong


Flea said...

Can I say you made me smile again!
Seriously you are a bad girl!! Make up your mind LOL.
Casserole my style is just cook it all together in a big pot! Tadaaaaa.
Love your shed.

Raechelle said...

You crack me up girl!
Looking forward to more journal entries-LOL!

Frankie said...

haha...yeah Kitty. Apparently I missed the "how to cook casserole and be a good wife" memo!

Mind you I only had a quick flick through the "how to be a good mother and not damage your kids for life" memo also...

Flea...I caaaaan't. I'm confused (and BAD). He he.. I need more sex before I can make up my mind.

No worries Raechelle. Have car and laptop..will stalk (and tell).